What are randomised-control trials and how useful are they in education?

About this expert insight

Professor Gilmore discusses what randomised-control trials (RCTs) are and explains their two main purposes in education: building theories, and evaluating existing programs. She also discusses issues around RCTs and suggests that research studies can provide evidence to support a perspective, but can never truly prove it completely. 

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Camilla Gilmore

Professor of Mathematical Cognition at Loughborough University

Camilla Gilmore is Professor of Mathematical Cognition at Loughborough University and Director of the ESRC Centre for Early Mathematics Learning ( Her research is focused on understanding how mathematical skills develop and working with teachers to identify the implications of this for the classroom.


Camilla Gilmore
Professor of Mathematical Cognition at Loughborough University

Camilla Gilmore is Professor of Mathematical Cognition at Loughborough University and Director of the ESRC Centre for Early Mathematics Learning ( Her research is focused on understanding how mathematical skills develop and working with teachers to identify the implications of this for the classroom.


Bradley Busch
Psychologist at InnerDrive

Bradley is a chartered psychologist and director of InnerDrive. He is one of the leading experts on how schools and colleges can apply psychological research to improve learning and academic achievement. He is the co-author of The Science of Learning. His particular areas of interest in cognitive science are; retrieval practice, spacing, interleaving and motivation.


Bradley Busch

Psychologist at InnerDrive

Bradley is a chartered psychologist and director of InnerDrive. He is one of the leading experts on how schools and colleges can apply psychological research to improve learning and academic achievement. He is the co-author of The Science of Learning. His particular areas of interest in cognitive science are; retrieval practice, spacing, interleaving and motivation.

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