Reading Resources.

Expand your understanding of cognitive science research, and its relevance to education with a collection of evidence-based e-books, articles and study summaries packed with practical tips for your classroom.

Read the ebook

For this ebook, we have picked five key articles that cover major issues within the field of research. These issues include the replication crises, selectively interpreting data and the
importance of null results.

Articles about Becoming Evidence-Informed

The 10 most important Teaching & Learning studies of the last 70 years

From understanding the power of feedback to identifying evidence-informed strategies like Retrieval Practice and Spacing, research studies in the past 70 years have revolutionised our approach to education.

Lethal mutations in education, and how to avoid them

A lethal mutation, according to the Education Endowment Foundation, happens “when evidence-informed practice is modified beyond recognition from the original practice.” But how can we avoid lethal mutations in education?

Why it's good but hard to change your mind

Psychological research tells us that changing our minds is one of the hardest things to do but that it can be beneficial. Let’s take a closer look at why this is the case.

Research study summaries

The one about experts overclaiming

Many people tend to overestimate their knowledge, skills and abilities. If we believe ourselves to be experts in one area, are we more likely to exaggerate what we actually know? Researchers from Cornell University and Tulane University ran a series of studies to find out.
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The one about the seduction of neuroscience

There is a growing trend in society to want to explain human behaviour and experiences through the lens of neuroscience. This is evident with neuroscientific sounding explanations. But how seductive and powerful are they?
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The one about identifying expert teachers

It has often been said that teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions. Therefore it is important that we learn to do it right. The ways that teachers learn from each other is an important part of this.
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Evidence-informed Infographics

4 counterintuitive concepts on how we learn

The problem: learning takes place in the brains of our pupils. We can’t see it. And a faulty understanding of learning means a faulty conception of how we should teach.
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A beginner's guide to Cognitive Science research

If research forms the foundation of the strategies teachers need, why is it so difficult to understand? To help you decipher what it actually means, we’ve put together this visual guide.
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Cognitive Science in education

Teacher Zach Groshell created and shared a version of this table on social media. It explores which elements of Cognitive Science are mentioned in a range of Teaching & Learning reviews.
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Types of thinking biases

To date, researchers have found over 175 different types of thinking biases that we suffer from. This graphic includes arguably the 24 most common ones in education.
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