Request a free trial

Try out the Teacher CPD Academy for yourself. Fill out the form below and one of our team will be in touch with the opportunity to book a quick demo and a two-week free trial.

What to expect.

  • 9+ interactive courses: 
    Our courses take your staff through the fundamentals of the topic area. They are both practical and fun, helping motivate teacher learning.
  • Experts insights:
    A selection of interviews with leading researchers and brilliant educators, providing you with practical applications of the different areas of Cognitive Science.
  • Reading Resources:
    Staff can read a selection of evidence-informed ebooks, infographics and articles that contain practical tips for use in the classroom.
  • Lesson Material:
    Flexible, standalone resources that your staff can use directly with students.

Explore the product features

Find out more about our exclusive collection of online Teacher CPD courses and resources that can help you develop your own evidence-informed professional development programme.