
Metacognition can refer to a student’s ability to be aware of and reflect upon what they are thinking about as well as how to choose a helpful thought process with which to act upon. Evidence shows that students who use metacognitive thinking strategies improve in a range of subjects, making Metacognition one of the most cost-effective ways to help students improve their learning. This topic will support you in developing these skills in your students, helping them improve their academic performance and strategic thinking.  

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Watch engaging videos, take part in interactive experiments and complete quizzes about what Metacognition is. Learn about how incorporating metacognitive strategies in your classroom can enhance your teaching practice and improve student outcomes.

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Education experts and researchers answer the key questions every educator has asked themselves. Choose from a selection of interviews and keynote presentations that will take your understanding of Metacognition to the next level.

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Ebooks and Articles

Evidence-based ebooks, articles and research study summaries packed full of tips for the classroom.

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Lesson Materials

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Mastered Metacognition?

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