Understanding Your Students' Social and Emotional Needs.

A common barrier to learning amongst students relates to worry around transition and periods of stress during exams. By decreasing these worries, students can improve their learning outcomes as well as regulate and understand their emotions and behaviours in a healthy way. In this topic, you will learn tools that can help you identify how to support the students in your class, particularly in periods of change and stress.

Start with the fundamentals...

Take an Interactive Course

Watch engaging videos, take part in interactive experiments and complete quizzes. Explore Attachment Theory and Transitioning to Secondary School, and learn about how you can adapt your teaching practice to suit your students' different needs.

Dive deeper...

Watch Expert Insights and Keynotes

Education experts and researchers answer the key questions every educator has asked themselves. Choose from a selection of interviews and keynote presentations that will enhance your understanding of students' social and emotional needs.

Read further...

Ebooks and Articles

Evidence-based ebooks, articles and research study summaries packed full of tips for the classroom. 

Resources for your classroom...

Lesson Materials

Find engaging lesson plans, resources and exciting activities that will develop your students’ strategies for learning.

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