The mechanics of norms and routines.

About this Keynote

Peps emphasises the importance of norms, routines and habits in education. Peps explores the “social norm effect” and suggests practical ways that schools and colleges can use it to foster desirable behaviours and attitudes. He discusses routines, explaining why "routines are the bedrock of responsive teaching," and references Atomic Habits to show the successful blend of habits and routines. Finally, Peps addresses the challenges of adopting habits for both teachers and students, offering insights on overcoming these obstacles.

About this Keynote

Peps emphasises the importance of norms, routines and habits in education. Peps explores the “social norm effect” and suggests practical ways that schools and colleges can use it to foster desirable behaviours and attitudes. He discusses routines, explaining why "routines are the bedrock of responsive teaching," and references Atomic Habits to show the successful blend of habits and routines. Finally, Peps addresses the challenges of adopting habits for both teachers and students, offering insights on overcoming these obstacles.

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Peps McCrea

Director of Education, Steplab

Peps McCrea is an award-winning teacher educator, designer and author, as well as Director of Education at Steplab and author of the High Impact Teaching series. Peps has three Masters degrees as well as Fellowships from the Young Academy and University of Brighton.


Peps McCrea
Director of Education, Steplab

Peps McCrea is an award-winning teacher educator, designer and author, as well as Director of Education at Steplab and author of the High Impact Teaching series. Peps has three Masters degrees as well as Fellowships from the Young Academy and University of Brighton.

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