Should Wait Times change for primary school children?

About this expert insight

Sarah suggests that primary school children can be impulsive and have a 'drive to be first'. Therefore focusing on pausing and thinking can be beneficial. Sarah discusses ways to build a culture around thinking and pausing by using Wait Times and suggests modelling techniques such as 'think alouds'.

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Sarah Oberle 

Teacher & Team Leader at Red Clay Consolidated School District

Sarah is a veteran primary teacher. She also serves as a team leader, professional development committee member for Delaware Department of Education and was previously an advisory board member for the Learner Variability Project at Digital Promise.  Sarah is currently working on a doctorate in Educational Leadership and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Delaware. 


Sarah Oberle
Teacher & Team Leader at Red Clay Consolidated School District

Sarah is a veteran primary teacher. She also serves as a team leader, professional development committee member for Delaware Department of Education and was previously an advisory board member for the Learner Variability Project at Digital Promise. Sarah is currently working on a doctorate in Educational Leadership and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Delaware. 


Bradley Busch

Psychologist at InnerDrive

Bradley is a chartered psychologist and director of InnerDrive. He is one of the leading experts on how schools and colleges can apply psychological research to improve learning and academic achievement. He is the co-author of The Science of Learning. His particular areas of interest in cognitive science are; retrieval practice, spacing, interleaving and motivation.


Bradley Busch
Psychologist at InnerDrive

Bradley is a chartered psychologist and director of InnerDrive. He is one of the leading experts on how schools and colleges can apply psychological research to improve learning and academic achievement. He is the co-author of The Science of Learning. His particular areas of interest in cognitive science are; retrieval practice, spacing, interleaving and motivation.

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